Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 11-13-18
Chalk Mandalas: Attention ALL Sierra Vista students! If you saw the chalk mandalas a few weeks ago created by art students and thought to yourself that it looked like something you would like to try, then pick up a form from Mrs. Knolls in the counseling office. There will be a chalk mandala class tomorrow, November 14, from 2:15-3:15, for anyone interested in creating their own chalk mandala design. The first 20 students to turn in their form to Mrs. Knolls get to create their own mandala design!
Winter Dance: ASB wants to thank all of the student that voted on the 12/7 winter dance theme. A masquerade was voted for by the majority! Stay tuned for more info as the dance nears.
“Maker Space Tuesdays: Maker Space Tuesdays in the SV Library continues every Tuesday at lunch. You may still sign up from a link posted on the SV Library’s home page, or stop by to check it out. We’ll be working with new kits every week so that you can build items that involve alternative energy sources, robots, electronics, and more.
NASA/JPL Guest Speaker: Are you curious about Space? Want to visit another planet? Have you wondered what’s on Mars? Next Tuesday, November 12th at Lunch we will have a Guest Speaker from NASA/JPL coming to speak with students about the upcoming Insight Mission to Mars and the amazing opportunities to work in the aerospace industry. Please come join us in the library for this talk. You can bring your lunch, bring your friends and bring any questions you may have.
Team Photos: Here is the team photo schedule for this week, which takes place during RELAX: Trailblazers and Pioneers on Wednesday, and Majestic Mountaineers and Spurs on Friday.
Clubs and Activities: Today in Clubs and Activities we have the Harry Potter DIY Club in room 104, and the turkey Bowl Tournament Play Offs on the PE Fields. (c)2018 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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