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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 12-3-18
WINTER MASQUERADE DANCE: The “Masquerade” winter dance will be taking place on Friday, December 7th, from 5- 7:30 pm in the MPR. Tickets go on sale today, and will cost $15 today and tomorrow, then prices go up to $20 for Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday. Tickets include dinner from Stonefire, DJ, games, hot chocolate bar, outdoor movie, and more! This dance ALWAYS sells out, so don’t wait to purchase your ticket. Party Pack members are already on the list to attend the dance, so they don’t need to purchase a ticket. Dress guidelines for the dance have been posted around campus, so please view them BEFORE you purchase any dance attire. Students cannot purchase a ticket if they are on the LOP list, and they must stay for the entire dance for safety reasons. Please see Mrs. Terranova in room 1002 if you have any questions.
MASQUERADE NOMINATIONS: For our Masquerade winter dance, we will be electing our winter court. Please nominate 7th grade royalty and 8th grade royalty, today by using the email with the nomination form that was sent to your STUDENT gmail account. The nomination window closes tomorrow at 2:30pm. More info will follow for the final vote after the nominations have been tabulated.
HONOR SOCIETY APPLICATIONS: Attention ALL 7th & 8th Grade students who are interested in applying for the SPRING 2019 Semester of Honor Society…the ONLINE application will be available on the Honor Society Website starting Dec 7th, 2018, and it is due no later than FEB 1st @2:30 pm. Also, all Honor Society students MUST submit 10 hours of community service when submitting the application, so you should start volunteering/earning hours NOW! Stop by room 106 to see Mrs. Marsh if you have any questions.
SSA MEETING: Safe School Ambassadors, our next meeting is tomorrow at lunch in the MPR. We will be discussing action logs, potluck celebration food and drink sign-ups along with a few other topics. Please arrive asap with your lunch so we can get started right away. Can’t make the meeting? Feel free to see, e-mail or Remind message Mrs. Flaherty or Mr. Drabinski, and we will get you caught up. Thanks again for all you are doing to keep our school a safer place!
FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES: Here is a little info from Family & Consumer Sciences: since 2014, more than 400,000 people have committed to “Dining In” on Family & Consumer Sciences Day! There are many benefits to families preparing and eating healthy meals together. This year, this “Dining In” day is today, and it has a special focus on the emotional and social aspects of family mealtime, in other words, the importance of families socializing during dinnertime. The family that eats together, stays together!
SIERRA VISTA LIBRARY WORK APPLICATIONS: Attention 8th graders. Here’s a friendly reminder from the SV Library that student worker applications are due to Mrs. Fulleman by 2:30 p.m. tomorrow. If you have any questions about applying to work at our circulation desk, please stop by the SV Library.
KRISPY KREME DONUTS: KRISPY KREME DOZENS ARE COMING TO SV! You can pre-order your own Dozen Krispy Kreme Glazed donuts any time over the next week for only $12 in the ASB office. Then you just pick them up before school on Tuesday Dec. 18th! Your parents can order some to bring to work, and even teachers can order for a class reward. Order forms are available in the ASB office.
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: Today in clubs and activities we have the Fitness club in the fitness center after school. (c)2018 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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