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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 2-4-19

Uploaded 02/04/2019

Sierra Vista Life, 2-4-19

Cake Decorating: On Wednesday February 6, 2019 Mrs. Fossen will be teaching and enrichment course in cake decorating.  This will be a very basic beginning level course. Students who are interested should sign up with Mrs. Knolls in the Counseling Office.


National Counselors Week: This week is National Counselors week. Please take the time to thank Mrs. Knolls, Mrs. Saunders, and Mrs. Roth, for all of the amazing help that they provide to Sierra Vista students and families.


Plainsmen Progress Day: Tuesday, February 5th is Plainsmen Progress Day. You’re teachers will be available after school , until 2:10, to help students catch up on missing work and get extra help. Please use this opportunity to improve your grade in your classes.


Brown Bag Presentation: Attention 7th graders – our next Brown Bag Presentation is this Thursday, February 7th in the SV Library at lunch.  Join professional storyteller, Michael McCarty, as he shares hilarious and sometimes dramatic stories to celebrate Black History month.  You may bring your lunch to eat in the library, or enjoy the free snacks and water that the library provides. Ask your 7th grade English teacher for a free ticket.  Ticket holders will be admitted first, then all other students as space permits. You don’t want to miss out on this special event!

Clubs and Activities: Today in clubs and activities we have the Chess and Games Club in room 301 at lunch, Dance Club in the MPR after school, and the Fitness Club in the Fitness Center after school.

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