Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 5-21-19
8th Grade BBQ: Hey 8th graders, the end of the year BBQ is on the last day of school from 9:35 am-11:35am. You can buy your ticket at the ASB window for $5, which includes a donut, shaved ice OR flavored water from Cunchy’s, a Tommy’s burger combo, inflatables, music, and more! Be sure to purchase your ticket at the ASB window ASAP!
End of PE Dressing: The end of the PE year is approaching quickly. Locker clean out will begin on Wednesday 5/29. A few things to keep in mind before clean out begins. Please ensure that you bring a reusable bag to place your items in when your lock is turned in. Also, make sure you have your own lock because if you don’t you will be placed on the LOP list. Locks can be purchased at the ASB for $6 at brunch or lunch.
Student Softball Team: There is mandatory meeting on today at brunch in the fitness center. If there is a conflict please see Mrs. Hatfield or Ms. Bregger at the girls PE window.
Career Speaker: We have our last career speaker of the year coming today to room 802 during lunch. If you like working with innovative technology this may be a field for you. Come check out the opportunities at Dimension Data. Students can bring your lunch to eat in the room. Please sign up on the Sierra Vista homepage. All students are welcome!
Plainsmen Foundation Restaurant Night: The Plainsmen Foundation’s is an organization whose sole purpose is to promote excellence in education by providing funds to empower the students and staff at Sierra Vista Junior High, by providing essential materials for academic needs like calculators, lab materials, books, web based learning support, band and PE equipment, art and culinary supplies, tech and engineering materials, and much more! We will be holding our first restaurant night tomorrow at Dickys BBQ pit at 18742 Soledad Rd if you show this flyer 20% of your order will go to the plainsmen foundation. You can get a flyer from the office or print one from the website.
Video Game Club Potluck: Calling all Video Game Club members! Our last meeting of the year on May 23rd after school will be a potluck as discussed. Please remember to bring a food item such as chips, cookies, canned or bottled drinks, etc. to room 615 that morning, and Mrs. Flaherty will store everything for the meeting. Thanks for a great year of gaming!
Today in Clubs and Activities: We have the Harry Potter DIY Club and Makerspace today in the Library. (c)2019 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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