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City of Santa Clarita | Bus Etiquette 101 | Santa Clarita Transit

Uploaded 11/01/2019

Bus Etiquette 101 | Santa Clarita Transit

The City of Santa Clarita Transit is a public transportation service dedicated to meeting the needs of the general public. In an effort to serve the entire community, City of Santa Clarita Transit provides additional service trips during peak student travel times.

Bus etiquette tips: – When boarding, please be courteous to people who have been waiting before you. – Avoid using the seat next to you as storage for your belongings – Please keep your voice low and talk time to a minimum while using a cell phone City of Santa Clarita Transit uses technology to monitor buses and works closely with SCV Sheriffs and School Districts to ensure the safety of our passengers.

For more information about Santa Clarita Transit busses and Supplemental School Day Schedules, please visit:… video courtesy of La Mesa Junior High School City of Santa Clarita 2019

(c)2019 City of Santa Clarita | SCVTV
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