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Nonprofit/PSA | Jenny Ketchepaw, 2023 SCV Woman of the Year

Uploaded 05/09/2023

Jenny Ketchepaw, 2023 SCV Woman of the Year

Jenny Ketchepaw

Jenny was a longtime Club supporter before joining the Governing Board in 2018. Starting in the 2000’s, through her involvement in Santa Clarita Valley Jaycees, she organized Christmas events for underserved youth and volunteered at fundraising events. As a Board Member Jenny provides leadership in staff training and development, strategic planning, and fundraising. Jenny leads Club tours where the community can see first-hand the positive impact of the Club. She leads strength-based leadership trainings for Club staff that have improved communications and effectiveness. Her expertise in human resources helped guide the Club’s strategic goal to “attract and retain the best youth development professionals”. In the face of inflation and hiring challenges her leadership has kept the Club competitive. In 2022, Jenny and her husband chaired the Festival of Trees. The event raised 42% more than the goal, for a total of $189k. She currently serves as Board Secretary.

(c)2023 SCVTV
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