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SCVTV's Community Corner | A Chat with Hart District’s Interim Superintendent, Dr. Michael Vierra

Uploaded 09/11/2024

A Chat with Hart District’s Interim Superintendent, Dr. Michael Vierra

Meet Interim Superintendent of William S. Hart Union High School District Dr. Michael Vierra: he gives us some insight on his background, as well as shares more about the current and upcoming initiatives in motion throughout the District.

Dr. Vierra is currently filling the role left vacant by the previous Superintendent, Mike Kuhlman. He has been with the Hart District for 12 years.

After serving as both Assistant Superintendent Human Resources and Deputy Superintendent, Educational Services in the District–amongst other roles–Dr. Vierra holds the interim role, with the intention of implementing the initiatives outlined in the Strategic Plan.

Head to the William S. Hart Union High School District’s website to learn more about Dr. Vierra and his plans for the 2024-25 academic year.

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