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SCVTV's Community Corner | SCVTV’s Community Corner Opener: Star Awards, Project Groundbreakings & Progress

Uploaded 10/07/2024

SCVTV’s Community Corner Opener: Star Awards, Project Groundbreakings & Progress

Between a recent awards win, plenty of groundbreakings around town, and new projects that are coming online in the City of Santa Clarita, there’s lots of news to get through in this week’s opening segment for SCVTV’s Community Corner.

Show hosts Carrie Lujan and Dave Caldwell discuss the teams recent win at the Star Awards, which is part of the Southern California and Nevada chapters of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers of America.

Community Corner took home a second place win in the Interview/Talk Show category.

Also in this week’s opener, Carrie shares recent news from around the City, which includes numerous groundbreakings and project updates for things like David March Park, the Valencia Community Corner, and the new rollerblading rink.

Learn more about SCVTV’s Community Corner.

SCVTV’s Community airs Mondays at 4 p.m. on Spectrum Channel 20, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, Apple TV, Roku,, and on Facebook.

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