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SCV NewsBreak: Santa Clara River Turns Into Actual River

Uploaded 02/28/2014

Santa Clara River Turns Into Actual River

In this video shot by Cory Rubin, the Santa Clara River turned into a flowing river during a rain storm that is projected to bring 6 to 8 inches of precipitation to the Santa Clarita Valley.

33 Comments for SCV NewsBreak: Santa Clara River Turns Into Actual River
  1. Rosnna Jennett says:

    March miracle!

  2. Susan Ross says:

    I am glad you are getting rain, but it is always a double edged sword – after such a long period of drought, the ground can’t absorb it quick enough . I hope there is no real flooding…

  3. Now we will see how the homes in the wash will do …. Always thought that was crazy to build homes in the wash!

  4. This is what it looks like by my house at Copperhill and San Francisquito.

  5. I know, you should have seen the Sepulveda Dam basin area.

  6. Stan Towell says:

    It was worse than that in 1969 flooding. Does any body remember that.

  7. Cheryl Crook says:

    I remember when the wooden bridge at Sierra washed ou

  8. I hope that picture wasn’t taken from Cindy’s front porch.

  9. David Diaz says:

    David Diaz Franco

  10. I’m *still* excited to see you in the news :P

  11. You’re mentioned by name on the news!! WOW! …and I suppose it’s also worth noting that SCV is flooding. But I am vastly more excited about you being in the news!

    • Cory Rubin says:

      Haha thats because I work for them on occasion. I do a little of what is posted on here, but it’s usually posted by me so I don’t give myself credit.

  12. ^I remember that too….. Santa Clara river was eating chunks of road away.

  13. I remember when half of Soledad Canyon Road was swept away by the river. Right at the curve next to the racetract. I think it was 1980.

  14. Whoa…and with only one day’s worth of rain!

  15. Tina Bub says:

    WOW can’t believe we are getting a half years worth of rain in one day

  16. Lori Watson says:

    Just have to figure out a way to store all of it.

  17. Don Clark says:

    I can remember seeing this only a couple times in my life! Wow!

  18. That’s the bridge near Camp plenty

  19. Joe Powell says:

    Just think, we were walking there a few days ago!!!

  20. I remember when that was pretty normal, heh.

  21. Betsy Mercer says:

    Where was this taken?

    • Cory Rubin says:

      The first part was taken in the wash off of Soledad Cyn Rd between Camp Plenty Rd and Langside, the second part was taken near Discovery Park on Canyon View Dr. off of Camp Plenty Rd

  22. Kristin Ward says:

    Awesome job Cory!

  23. How are those houses doing that they built?

  24. Scanner SCV says:

    want to go kayaking?

  25. Blown away. Definitely a Kodak moment

  26. WOW, that’s quite a lot of water!!!!! Now I hope everyone stays AWAY from it!!