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SCV NewsBreak | Friday, August 22, 2014

Uploaded 08/22/2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

A former Sheriff Department Deputy who fired his gun into the air at ding dong ditchers was sentenced on Thursday.

The Pan-Pacific Swimming Championships in Gold Coast Australia was good to the Santa Clarita Valley.

It’s likely the biggest Ice Bucket Challenge to hit Santa Clarita …so far. A tractor bucket filled with 400 pounds of ice and more than 1200 gallons of water was dumped on 20 employees at C.A. Rasmussen.

Children and parents to try out 20 different sports and other activities saturday at the annual Santa Clarita Youth Sports and Healthy Families Festival.

Funeral services for Connie Worden-Roberts will be held Saturday August 23 at 2p.m. at Eternal Valley Memorial Park.

Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
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127 Comments for SCV NewsBreak: Friday, August 22, 2014
  1. Ruben Pous says:

    Yes waste water

  2. Stop wasting water people!!!

  3. This is just ridiculous. There is no justification for this idiotic act, yes raise awareness and money for ALS, it’s a great cause and im all for it. DONATE! but the water waste?? not necessary and at all.. it’s not fair that even though we are warned all over the news all over our freeways about the draught in California these people carelessly decide to waste 60 gallons of water per employee… It’s ridiculous and I hope this is taken to court.. Laugh it all up until you have no more water to shower or to cook or even flush your toilets with. Have a look at this link and see the seriousness of our drought in California. Stop being so idiotic and open your eyes as it is estimated for us to only have water for another 12 months in California. 1200 gallons., ahh I can’t even believe you people.

  4. Cathy Keck says:

    When I keep seeing this in it’s many forms, I can hear in my memory my mom saying “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt”. Plus, I still don’t see how this helps ALS. How about when someone posts doing this, they donate $100 to an ALS fund. At least that would make some sense to me.

  5. DL Thompson says:

    waste of our much needed water – Dummies

  6. Kellie Wood says:

    Charlie, you stole Brian’s idea!!!

  7. Wasting water just to avoid making a donation smh how about donate and save water…… If you really wanna help the ASL cause donate!!!!!!

    • Fiona Underwood says:

      If you look into the story a generous amount of money was donated … This Ice Bucket Challenge has been very widespread across the country and it has engaged people to get involved by donating and spreading awareness …

  8. Danny Reilly says:

    I wasn’t running the loader

  9. Fiona Underwood says:

    I have to disagree with most comments on this page. In my opinion this water is not wasted if it raises THOUSANDS of dollars for this HORRIFIC disease!!!!!!!

  10. 60 gallons of water and 20 lbs of ice per employee? Really!! Company should be fined $500 per employee and made to donate equal amount to the ALS campaign on top of whatever they pledged for their challenge.

  11. They should consider that their shower for the week.

  12. In case you don’t understand the reason, or the cause they are supporting, Google it. Hope you or your family never have to endure the tragic disease and watch a love one die too young. Lighten up people!

  13. Emily Garcia says:

    Just donate, we’re clearly in a drought.

  14. Ryan Mcneill says:

    So don’t watch a news channel for reporting news you don’t like? Hmm

  15. Sam Rose says:

    What a way to get people to NOT watch your news station.

    Who in their right mind advertises ice bucket challenges during a drought?

  16. Sean Sauce says:


  17. Also here’s there phone number if anyone would like to actually voice their opinion on this shameful act against our community (661) 367-9040

  18. Ryan Mcneill says:

    Maybe a dirt bucket challenge? Just sayin!

  19. Lisa Warton says:

    I think the ice bucket challenge should stop now here in Cali. Just make a donation and save our water!!!

  20. Oh no big deal, it’s okay for a fundraiser, acting like it’s the last 1200 gallons, get a grip?! Are you a moron!! Have you seen castaic lake?! Have you seen the dead lawns. It IS a big deal, raise money some other way!!! Most of the money raised doesn’t even go to research, or patients, it goes to marketing and employees!!!! So we’re killing THE EARTH for a corporation! ppl die, but we only have one planet. WTF IS WRONG WITH HUMANS

  21. Do they know this is stupid? Because this is really stupid.

  22. Geez, I thought we had a drought!

  23. Fiona Underwood says:

    These comments sadden me. It seems to me that this company tried a creative way to get as many people as possible engaged in donating to this disease and to bring awareness to this disease. If you really want to make a difference in the drought situation, don’t focus and attack the company trying to give a substantial donation to charity, but instead write a letter to the DWP regarding their negligent management of water main’s and the millions of gallons wasted from that. Or even you local theme parks who have countless water rides pumping God knows how much water. Name calling is also so unnecessary and immature. It certainly makes people sound uneducated, petty and hateful.

  24. Ryan Mcneill says:

    This challenge is to raise awareness for ALS. Which, with all the negative comments, has succeeded.

  25. Ryan Mcneill says:

    These people on here act like it was the last 1200 gallons of water on the planet. Get a grip. It will all be ok.

  26. Shane Greedy says:

    Hmmmmm……really smart marketing…… A nice fine would be better!

  27. This was a fundraiser to fight ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). The founder of the company that did this died from ALS.

  28. Joel Javan says:

    To those of you who are keeping those who curse at this city in shackles, please release them so they may be free to live somewhere else. Thank you.

  29. Joel Javan says:

    Please research what “paying forward” means. Thank you.


  31. Boooooo shame on you. I think they should pay it forward and pay for our water they just wasted. It’s called a brain and they should use it.

  32. Cody Jung says:

    Wasting water…

  33. like this is gonna help the drought, really. people… Sigh..

  34. Vianka Ramos says:

    And we r in a drought!!!!! Really

  35. All you critical naysayers who have watched friends and family die slow deaths from ALS please stand up. And all you water-conserving earth protectors who have dug up your thirsty lawns and put in rock please stand up. Yeah- I thought so. Talk is cheap. You seriously need to watch this. And SHUT up.

  36. All you critical naysayers who have watched friends and family die slow deaths from ALS please stand up. And all you water-conserving earth protectors who have dug up your thirsty lawns and put in rock please stand up. Yeah- I thought so. Talk is cheap. You seriously need to watch this. And SHUT up.

  37. Here goes santa clarita doing its part for the drought!! t=_=t GTFO

  38. Here goes santa clarita doing its part for the drought!! t=_=t GTFO

  39. Stephen Gold says:

    Did Danny Reilly poor the water

  40. Stephen Gold says:

    Did Danny Reilly poor the water

  41. Cody Taylor says:

    Because when were in the biggest drought California has seen this is totally a great use of our water

  42. Cody Taylor says:

    Because when were in the biggest drought California has seen this is totally a great use of our water

  43. Irvin Burton says:

    OMG, Cody Taylor

  44. Irvin Burton says:

    OMG, Cody Taylor

  45. I think this awesome! :D

  46. I think this awesome! :D

  47. Seriously I’m all for the ALS challenge… But for gods sake… That was a lot of water.. Being put on water restriction for our grass and being fined.. That was way too much water! Not a great idea people

  48. How absolutely ridiculous and thoughtless. I hope this means they all also gave up watering their lawns for two weeks so they could participate in this.

  49. Luke Rodino says:

    And then nothjng happens to them?

  50. Luke Rodino says:

    They can do this but yet people are complaining and getting fined because of a drought???

  51. Silvie Faust says:

    For a great cause.

  52. Silvie Faust says:

    You guys sound pretty stupid

  53. Judi Jo says:

    I am disgusted.

  54. 50 employees x $10 = $500 to ALS. 50 employees for 1200 gallons of water??? Wow that’s 24 gallons per employee not including the 400lbs of ice.

  55. Seems as though the general consensus is that this is a HUGE WASTE of water! It appears we understand the cause behind it and the donation is $10 to ALS when you “take the challenge” & a $100 if you don’t.

    I sure hope they made their donations.

  56. We are in a drought!!! What are those people thinking?!

  57. Lucy Loera says:

    That probably hurts

  58. Really, what a fricken waste of resources. Where is the oversight. Where is the city

  59. What happened to the drought? Just donate already!

  60. Ben Bivens says:

    1200 gallons!!!! Aren’t we in a drought?

  61. Well I viewed it and it was a private company who did this.

  62. Wait wait wait…. I can understand a small bucket of ice water. I’ll let that pass but 1200 gallons ???????? Come on what are they thinking

  63. Find another way to do a fundraiser. What’s wrong with people? They really believe that the Earth has unlimited resources.

    • This has been a HUGE success for a horrible disease that robs you of your dignity and then your life. I know 2 people who died slow painful deaths from it, while their wives and children watched helplessly. It’s worth a little water to save someone’s life. Besides, how many of these short-sighted complainers are digging up their lawns that use up thousands of gallons of water and putting in rock? ZERO. They only talk, talk talk.

    • This has been a HUGE success for a horrible disease that robs you of your dignity and then your life. I know 2 people who died slow painful deaths from it, while their wives and children watched helplessly. It’s worth a little water to save someone’s life. Besides, how many of these short-sighted complainers are digging up their lawns that use up thousands of gallons of water and putting in rock? ZERO. They only talk, talk talk.

    • And what sort of fundraiser do you suggest that would bring in $50 million in 4 weeks? …..(crickets)…. Yeah, I thought so.

    • And what sort of fundraiser do you suggest that would bring in $50 million in 4 weeks? …..(crickets)…. Yeah, I thought so.

  64. Wow thanks for wasting water ,, good job guys

  65. Ugh! I cringe every time I see Californians doing this.

  66. This is ridiculous! They should be fined!

  67. what is the fine for wasting water!!??

  68. What a bunch of tools! Really

  69. Unbelievably stupid and irresponsible.

  70. They should all be fired! Ridiculous! 1200 gallons farmers could of used to grip their crops or 1200 gallons to give to people in the Central Valley whose wells dried up!

  71. I would have gladly let you use my lawn for this little stunt. 1200 gallons of water and who know how many more gallons that ice would make…what a joke!!

  72. Helen Hicks says:

    what a waste of water

  73. But seriously, let’s send ’em a bill!

  74. Roman Rokita says:

    Sure glad I spend at least a half hour a night bring my kids bath water down to water our plants outside so these folks could totally waste 1200 freakn gallons of water.

  75. What the F! We are told to save our water and our own city wastes it. What crap is this showing SCV the wrong thing. Our governor will hear about this for sure.

  76. Lisa Dixon says:

    I thought we were in a drought??

  77. You could water my lawn then

  78. Kelly Robins says:

    Hey why don’t we all send our water bills to this place, they seem to be able to foot the bill for wasted water, why not let them pay the bills of people who are actually trying to save what little water we have in this state apparently they can afford it.

  79. They list a family member to ALS and donate regularly

  80. This is out of control,just donate the friggin money and get it over with or is it if you take the challenge you don ‘t have to donate?

  81. Clever use of water. I can only water every other day for three minutes. Great and their on local TV. Great use of TV too. I’d love to know how much MONEY THEY RAISED FOR ALS. Probably not as much as the water cost !!

  82. I thought we weren’t suppose to be wasting h20..! Pretty cool tho.

  83. hope they get fined. lol

  84. I gueso no one cares about the drought. I’m all for ALS getting recognized and donations boosting but this is so completely wasteful! And I’m sorry but poring cold water on yourself in 90 degree weather isn’t a challenge.

  85. Dwayne Pine says:

    Drought…..what are they thinking

  86. Carolyn Glee says:

    I think the ice bucket challenge is rad, and their heart was in the right place- but yeah we are in a damn drought…

  87. What an embarrassment considering the avid advocating of conserving water.

  88. Kevin Miller says:

    Very bad timing for this whole ALS challenge! It may work in Seattle but not SoCal!

  89. Tom Pniewski says:

    And here my grass is dying so they can do this? Where are the priorities?

  90. Don’t we have a drought in SCV? Just donate people!!!

  91. And we are gonna get fined for watering our lawns??????

  92. And they fine us for wasting water…

  93. Linda Durst says:

    Good. Now that they wasted all that water I’m turning my sprinkles back on. THANKS

  94. David Neill says:

    Where’s the water police and the $500 fines???

  95. Thanks for wasting our water.

  96. What a waste of water! Just donate to the cause without making a big production of it!

  97. I like the cause but we are 63 Trillion gallons in drought in CA.

  98. So glad I’ve been showering and turning off the water while soaping up to help out our drought so they could do this with hard hats on.

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