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SCV NewsBreak | Thursday, September 11, 2014

Uploaded 09/11/2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Students at Trinity Classical Academy in Valencia honored nearly 3,000 victims who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks Thursday morning,

It took L.A. County firefighters about 20 minutes to knock down a house fire in Saugus Thursday afternoon.

Two Saugus High students were arrested this week for allegedly posting “inappropriate photos” online.

Hart district officials are looking to set the record straight after a national news publication incorrectly reported poverty levels, graduation rates and other information in a story that ranked high schools across the nation.

Santa Clarita city officials plan to advocate for a high speed rail line that avoids Santa Clarita, Acton and Agua Dulce all together.

Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
SCVTV runs on Time Warner Cable Channel 20 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and streaming on
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