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It's Elementary | Newhall School Welcomes Students for Another Year

Uploaded 08/12/2015

Newhall School Welcomes Students for Another Year

The first bell of the school year sounded off early Wednesday morning at Newhall Elementary School to welcome students back for to a new year.

This year brings more than just new pencils and paper, each classroom boasts a new wireless system, Ipads, Lenovo Computers and smart boards.

“It’s really just the culmination of Measure E funds,” said Tammi Rainville, principal at Newhall Elementary School. “It’s very exciting to show the community the fruits, so to speak, of that bond measure.”

The bond also facilitated the removal of all portable classrooms and provided new playground equipment and new classrooms from Measure E bonds.




(c) SCVTV 2015
2 Comments for It's Elementary: Newhall School Welcomes Students for Another Year
  1. Those new touch screen protector thingys are pretty cool.

  2. Traci Dunnet says:

    I went to Newhall School back in…….wait a minute……I need to think about this one……1966-70? YIKES!

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