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SCV In the Movies | Episode 59: Suzanne Lloyd, Granddaughter of Harold Lloyd

Uploaded 01/27/2016

Episode 59: Suzanne Lloyd, Granddaughter of Harold Lloyd

Bill had the opportunity at work (Disney) to attend a talk by Suzanne Lloyd, the granddaughter of the silent era comedy titan, Harold Lloyd.  Suzanne was there to share some 3-D photographs of the early days of Disneyland, taken by Harold, who was not only one of the greatest movie comedians of all time, but later became an accomplished photographer, and one of the first to see the benefit of 3-D movies & photography.

A day or so later, Bill mentioned the talk to his buddy and co-host of SCV In The Movies, E.J. Stephens.  Before Bill could get the sentence out, E.J. hollered “Didja ask her on the show???”  Bill had to confess it didn’t occur to him…

But, making up for missed opportunities, Bill contacted Suzanne who so very kindly agreed to come talk to the boys.  We’re so glad that E.J. was thinking, and as a result, we all get to enjoy this fascinating chat with a woman who works occasionally in the SCV to keep her grandfather’s memory preserved. Join Bill & E.J. with Suzanne Lloyd to learn about growing up with one of the funniest film stars of all time, Harold Lloyd.


E.J. StephensE.J. Stephens is a noted Hollywood historian, author, lecturer and tour guide. An Indiana native, E.J. has lived for 10 years in the SantaEarly Warner Bros. Book Clarita Valley with his wife Kimi and their two children, Mariah and Dylan.

By day, E.J. can be found in Burbank on the Warner Bros. Studios lot where he is a tour guide and an audience coordinator on Conan O’Brien’s late-night talk show. When not giving tours at the studio, E.J. and Kimi host tours of their own for their Newhall-based company, Newhallywood Tours.

E.J. has co-written four books on subjects ranging from the history of Warner Bros. and Paramount to Griffith Park and the Santa Clarita Valley (the latter with Kimi and Dr. Alan Pollack). The trio is currently working on another SCV history book titled “Then & Now: The Santa Clarita Valley,” which hit the shelves in early 2014.


ABOUT BILL WESTPiloting The Mark Twain

Bill West is a movie nut who serves on the board of Friends of Hart Park, gives tours of the Hart Mansion and maintains the Friends’ website and newsletter.

In his “spare time,” Bill writes software for Walt Disney Imagineering, where he has contributed to billbioStar Tours, Toy Story Midway Mania, the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage and other Disney attractions worldwide. Previously, he wrote software at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he met his wife, realtor and model Liliana West.

Bill lives in Santa Clarita with Liliana, their son Josh, and their pets which include Hannah the Dog, Luigi the Canary, Butterscotch the Guinea Pig, and a cat whose name he can’t pronounce but is Polish for “Kitty.”

(c) 2016
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