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SCV NewsBreak | May 11: Lower Speed on Bouquet, Higher Fee for Storm Drain Cleaning

Uploaded 05/11/2016

May 11: Lower Speed on Bouquet, Higher Fee for Storm Drain Cleaning

LA County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to lower the speed limit on a stretch of Bouquet Canyon Road.

College of the Canyons Student Health and Awareness Center hosted its annual “Shine a Light” Suicide Prevention and Awareness event on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Santa Clarita City Council approved a fee of $24.04 per household on Tuesday, which will go towards cleaning storm drains during the 2015 to 2016 fiscal year.

SCVi Charter School will be hosting a free Family Drug Awareness Night.

Television viewers can catch the SCV NewsBreak on SCVTV at the top of every hour from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., repeating the following morning at 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
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