California High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA) Board Meeting, Sacramento August 9, 2016
- Consider Approving the Board Meeting Minutes from the May 10
and June 14, 2016 Meetings
- Consider a Peninsula Corridor Improvement Plan consisting of:
Funding for Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board’s (PCJPB)
Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project (PCEP) via:
Adopting Responsible Agency California Environmental
Quality Act Findings, and Approving a Funding
Agreement with the PCJPB and a Seven Party
Supplement to the 2012 Caltrain Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) for Funding the PCEP
Entering into an MOU with the City of San Mateo for Grade
Separations and Passing Tracks
- Consider Approving the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Audit Plan and
Acknowledging the Internal Quality Assurance Self-Assessment for
Fiscal Year 2015-16
Consider Awarding the Contract for Geotechnical Site Investigation
Services in the Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line
Construction Progress Report
Quarterly Presentation of Finance & Audit Committee Reports
Closed Session Pertaining to Litigation
The Authority will meet in closed session pursuant to Government
Code section 11126(e)(1)&(2)(A) to confer with counsel with
regard to the following litigation:
Kings County; Kings County Farm Bureau; California
Citizens for High-Speed Rail Accountability; Community
Coalition on High-Speed Rail; California Rail Foundation;
TRANSDEF v. Surface Transportation Board; CHSRA
Intervenor (United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit Case No. 15-71780)
County of Kings v. California High-Speed Rail Authority;
(Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2014-80001861)
County of Kern v. California High-Speed Rail Authority;
(Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2014-80001863)
First Free Baptist Church of Bakersfield v. California HighSpeed
Rail Authority; (Sacramento Superior Court Case No.
Dignity Health v. California High-Speed Rail Authority;
(Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2014-80001865)
City of Shafter v. California High-Speed Rail Authority;
(Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2014-80001908)
EDUCATION FUND v. California Air Resources Board and
CHSRA as a real party in interest; (Fresno Superior Court
Case No. 14CECG01788)
The Authority will meet in closed session pursuant to Government
Code section 11126(e)(1)&(2)(B)(i);11126(a)(1).
* “A” denotes an “Action” item; “I” denotes an “Information” item; “C” denotes “consent”
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