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SCV In the Movies | Episode 68: Bad Buck of Santa Ynez

Uploaded 02/06/2017

Episode 68: Bad Buck of Santa Ynez

Bill and E.J. bring you another great film from SCV’s most famous citizen, cowboy movie actor William S. Hart. This movie not only stars Hart, but was also directed by him. And, though all the performances in the film are well executed, you’ll want to pay special attention to another great movie by Hart’s favorite co-star, his pinto pony Fritz.

Watch as E.J. and Bill tie this film to an infamous moment in Santa Clarita history, the moment shortly before midnight on March 12, 1928, when the St. Francis dam failed, sending a 180-foot-high wall of water crashing down San Francisquito Canyon. An estimated 431 people lay dead by the time the floodwaters reached the Pacific Ocean south of Ventura 5½ hours later.

It was the second-worst disaster in California history, after the great San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906, in terms of lives lost — and America’s worst civil engineering failure of the 20th Century.

Hart was living in Newhall at the time, and was among our citizens that worked together to rebuild the wreckage caused by that horrific event.

(c)2017 SCVTV
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