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Around Town | Newhall Library Gives Free Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Uploaded 08/18/2017

Newhall Library Gives Free Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

People lined up around the block outside the Old Town Newhall Library to grab a free pair of solar eclipse viewing glasses.

The Library estimated there was over 500 people in line for the glasses.

Through a partnership with NASA, the city was given 1,000 pairs of the special viewing glasses, which were partially given away on Friday and more will be given on during Monday’s eclipse viewing party.

(c) 2017 SCVTV
107 Comments for Around Town: Newhall Library Gives Free Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses
  1. Alisha calkins says:

    If be you still have anymore glasses can you please put two aside for me thank you.

  2. Jenny Aly says:

    I need 3 pairs please ~ thank you

  3. Dawn Ferrier says:

    Mary Jane Spangenberg

  4. NOELLE M NEAL says:

    Need 4 glasses

  5. WOW…and the teacher at my sons school talkin bout buying these things for $70….smh

  6. Monique says:

    What time will Newhall Library give them out on Monday?
    Who is allowed to go to the viewing party ?

  7. Jun Qian says:

    Please keep for 3 pairs of eclipse glasses for our family please. My name is Jun Qian. Phone number is 626-518-2583. Thank you so much!

  8. Fanny Morales Lescano-Becker

  9. Liz Ellwein says:

    Martin Rodriguez

  10. Sylmari Lee says:

    Walmart sells them for $1…Eclipser…And they are certified.

  11. McKenzie Hall Jones

  12. Elisa Aguilar grace needs some

  13. Noel Acosta says:

    Tina Ciuro Acosta

  14. Clemen Leon says:

    Richard Lopezwe missed it

  15. I understand that it will be safe to look at the sun…….at night! 😊

  16. Adam Shane Fessinger

  17. Katina did you already get them??? I need a few pairs!!😘❤️

  18. Marisol Cruz did you go get some??

    • Marisol Cruz says:

      I didn’t even know😳😳. Thanks Alexandra I’m gonna go check it out. They were selling some at 7-11 2/1.00. A coworker mentioned. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  19. Alexis Whitney (Book Reviews by Lexi )

  20. An option for tomorrow for those looking…

  21. Gus Lopez says:

    Nancy Elizabeth

  22. I called the Canyon Country library looking for some and they told me they are only giving them out on Friday during an event for the Solar eclipse and then on Monday during the Solar eclipse. Since we will be out of the area that day I couldnt get any. So I found mine elsewhere luckily after searching everywhere.

  23. Emilee Byrs says:

    Taylor Stapleton don’t know if you found some already but I saw your post the other day!

  24. Shannon Rehe says:

    Do they still have some? I’ve been looking everywhere!

  25. Matt Liff says:

    Elana Gichon Liff

  26. Veronica Serna Cari Clapper ugh there we go guys

  27. Tracy Harnage Abbatoye

  28. Mariela Menchaca Mira !!!

  29. Sommer Amber Garces….weren’t u asking about this?

  30. Will they be passing those out tomorrow?

  31. Taylor Berry says:

    Samantha Rossiter, that’s what the line was for…

  32. Misty, Dave, ikuha nyo Kami tomorrow.🕶🕶🕶

  33. Teresa Ortiz says:

    Maggie Ortiz Martha Ortiz

  34. Yesi Peña says:

    Shelley Adkison

  35. Rosario Romero says:

    I’m interested in getting at least one pair thank you so much

  36. Carlynn Kundert Weller

  37. Juana De Jesus Joselyn De Jesus Jonathan Enriquez

  38. Nayeli Clegg says:

    Debbie Sherman Bivens

  39. Rene says:

    Hello I have my family of 5 people and we are interested in getting the glasses to see the eclipse. Thank you

  40. Elaine Vega Lara Anderson Forgrave

  41. Anny Meza says:

    SWEET! I need some

  42. Does anyone know what time on Monday they are giving them away?

  43. Trish Slade Gibbens check your library up there.

  44. You can also use the dark purple night heat light bulbs used for lizards. Close one eye and put the bulb against the open eye. You can see the eclipse with no damage to eyes

  45. Allison Ramos do u have yours yet?

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