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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 5-23-18

Uploaded 05/23/2018

Sierra Vista Life, 5-23-18

CLUBS & ACTIVITIES – Today in Clubs and Activities, the Safe School Ambassadors meeting is in room 101 at lunch.

EIGHTH GRADE BBQ – Attention 8th graders – the end of the year 8th grade BBQ will take place on Thursday, May 31st from 9 – 11:35 am on the PE fields! Tickets will be available for purchase starting Monday, May 21st, through Wednesday, May 30th. Tickets include: A Colorful Lei, Tommy’s Burger and Fries, A Self-service Sticker Tattoo, A Souvenir Picture, Access to All Games and Inflatables, a Refreshing beverage, Cunchy’s Food Truck, and more! Please note that Students earning 30 demerits or more CANNOT attend. Please clear your name off the Library LOP list, and please bring your ID when obtaining a ticket at the ASB office. ASB is looking forward to sending our 8th graders off to high school with the party of the year!

 We have an exciting opportunity for our 8th graders entering high school this fall! The Career and College Readiness Department will be offering pathway courses this summer in Business, Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Careers and also Animal Sciences. Courses will run Mon-Fri from July 2nd-July 30th. Visit the counseling office for more details!

 Video Game Club members, our last meeting of the year is tomorrow, May 24th after school in room 101. It will be a potluck celebration, so feel free to donate food and drink items to Mrs. Flaherty before or after school the Tuesday or Wednesday before the party. Mrs. Flaherty will be on a field trip, but she should be back in time for the meeting. If not, please wait by her door, as she will not be that far behind. Thank you for a wonderful year of gaming!

SSA – Safe School Ambassadors, our last meeting of the year is today, at lunch in Mrs. Flaherty’s room 101. It is a potluck celebration for all of your hard work this year. Please bring food and drink donations to Mrs. Flaherty before or after school Monday and Tuesday before the meeting. Not sure what to bring? See or e-mail Mrs. Flaherty or Mr. Drabinski for suggestions.

STUDENT VS. STAFF SOFTBALL – Attention all softball team members! Please remember to come to school early Friday morning and go to the girls locker room to pick up your jerseys. Numbers will be first come first serve.

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