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Nonprofit/PSA | Boys and Girls Club Sierra Vista Clubhouse Renaming Ceremony

Uploaded 05/10/2024

Boys and Girls Club Sierra Vista Clubhouse Renaming Ceremony

The Boys and Girls Club’s Clubhouse at Sierra Vista Junior High School has been renamed in honor of longtime board member and previous Boys and Girls club enrollee Thomas E. Dierckman. Community Leaders, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Miranda, and representatives of various offices gathered in recognizing his dedication to the community and club since 1997.

This event marks not only the renaming but also celebrates 20 years of dedicated service at the Clubhouse, impacting the lives of 15,000 youth in our community.  It’s a testament to the unwavering commitment and vision of Mr. Dierckman, whose dedication has made a lasting difference.

Before the end of the ceremony, Matt Nelson, CEO of the Boys and Girls Club, announced that there also is going to be a plaque inside the clubhouse to honor Dierckman. The plaque will share his story in hopes of inspiring the current and future youth of the Boys and Girls Club.

For more information about the Boys and Girls Club in Santa Clarita Valley visit their website

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