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Nonprofit/PSA | Bridge to Home Full-Service Interim Shelter Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Uploaded 05/20/2024

Bridge to Home Full-Service Interim Shelter Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Bridge to Home unveiled their new Full-Service Interim Shelter to the community May 20, 2024, city council members, staff members, and community members were all in attendance. This project aims to make an immense impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness in the Santa Clarita Valley. When complete, the 2.9-acre site will house a state-of-the-art, 18,680 square-foot full-service interim housing shelter facility and provide interim housing for 60 individuals and, in the first family shelter in this region, there will be 8 separate apartment-style units that can accommodate up to 32 people. They anticipate on serving over 1,000 unduplicated individuals every year at this new facility. A large, functional kitchen will offer dedicated volunteers’ adequate space and amenities to prepare and serve meals with greater efficiency. Every space in the new facility is thoughtfully designed – including places for clients to meet and engage in case management and workshops, as well as a technology center with access to education, job training and housing resources. For more information and to donate please visit

(c) 2024 SCVTV
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