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SCV NewsBreak | LASD Press Conference | Aug. 17, 2014

Uploaded 08/17/2014

LASD Press Conference | Aug. 17, 2014

Officials with the LA County Sheriff’s Department and the William S. Hart Union School District discussed the arrest of a Santa Clarita teen after he reportedly made online terrorist threats against local students.

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52 Comments for SCV NewsBreak: LASD Press Conference | Aug. 17, 2014
  1. Kory Abel says:

    Hey that guy on the right stole my chin wtf!

  2. Martine Masoner Brooks

  3. Tracy Ellingwood says:

    I’m wondering if this is a rumor or if there is a chance another student is involved in this? What actions are taking place to keep our students safe? Could there be copy cats out there as well?

  4. in Pakistan, the kids fear outsider terrorists murdering them for attending school, but in this country we threaten our own. What a sad trend.

  5. Ildiko Lemus says:

    Stupid kid !!!
    Needed attention…..:(

  6. @deanna- FYI-valencia valley has a yard supervisor walking the perimeter of the property the entire school day. Her only job is to walk the perimeter, check locked doors/gates and radio any suspicious people/cars etc.

  7. Lorena Garay says:

    Theres more than one kid. The post read “we” therefore they need to arrest the other pos’s as well.

  8. I hope this kid goes to jail for making those threats.

  9. I have worried about my kids school. Valencia Valley has no fence at all. They also have classes in trailers. How will the secure our school???

  10. Stacy Soto says:

    As a parent of a 6th grader this is still a little unsettling. Will probably be walking my kid to school tomorrow.

  11. Jose Palafox says:

    If you nosy ass people actually read he meant it as a joke, and it clearly says right there “it was a joke for friends to laugh at”

  12. Eso le pasa por ser un muchacho cagon

  13. Azul Palacios ya lo apanaron xD

  14. I agree with Jessica de la Cruz the kids that “liked” the post and added their comments should be detained as well.. this is not a joking matter. My kids are in elementary but I have alot of friends who are teachers in scv.. ugh this whole thing upsets me!

  15. Great job of LEO & detectives to come from off duty and arrest this kid.

  16. Amy Graham Samantha Graham-Tolmach Cody g

  17. Ann Moore says:

    Restorative justice.

  18. Great job SC Sheriff dept…hopefully, in addition, you will carefully sweep elementary school areas in the next few days as well
    There are a lot of “open campuses” in the SCV area so entry can be easy

  19. Let me clarify, you say your campuses are secure when that is not true. This is a hotly contested subject with parents of schools that are not secure Witt proper fencings. Don’t lie to us.

  20. At least our cops are on top of this before another school shooting the liberals can politicize for gun control.

  21. Kid needs a good therapist and home studies

  22. what happened to the rest of the kids that were also celebrating and also putting dumb comments when the threat was posted??….they should also be detained and taught a lesson ….send them all to juvenile hall….this is not a joke.

  23. We were told by Santa Clarita detectives that threats made via social media don’t count as criminal threats.

  24. Kim Lachkar says:

    Great Job SCV Cobra Unit

  25. Kim Sloan says:

    Good so glad he’s caught. We all need to look out for our community. Thank you LASD!

  26. Norma Aguilar look

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