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House Blend | Episode 64: Harriet Schock

Uploaded 01/17/2015

Episode 64: Harriet Schock

Episode 64

Taped Nov. 15, 2014

Televised Jan 17, 2015

Find out more about the artist on her website

Harriet Schock wrote the words and music to the Grammy-nominated #1 hit, “Ain’t No Way To Treat A Lady” plus many songs for other artists, TV shows and films, including the PBS children’s series, “Jakers, the Adventures of Piggley Winks.”. She and her band were featured in Henry Jaglom’s film “Irene In Time” performing 4 of Harriet’s songs. She also scored three other Jaglom films. Harriet starred in the play “Just 45 Minutes From Broadway” which ran for 10 months in Santa Monica, and later re-created the role in the film of the same name. Four of her songs were used in Karen Black’s play, “Missouri Waltz” which played for 6 weeks in Hollywood and in Macon, Georgia. She has written the songs for “Last of the Bad Girls,” a musical created by Diane Ladd. Very recently she has co-written the songs for “Platypus, the Musical.” In 2014, her jukebox musical, “Split” opened to full houses in Hollywood. Jaglom’s latest film, ‘The M Word” features Harriet performing her song, “Bein’ a Girl” in the movie’s last scene. Harriet plays piano and Andrea Ross-Greene sings it.  In 2007, L.A. Women In Music honored Harriet a Career Achievement and Industry Contribution award. She wrote the book Becoming Remarkable, for Songwriters and Those who Love Songs). She performs with her band in Los Angeles and teaches songwriting in person and online around the world.

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