SCVTV's Community Corner | SCVTV’s Community Corner: Season 4, Episode 17
Every year, May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month; this special episode of SCVTV’s Community Corner was produced in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month and is aimed at creating awareness about the challenges surrounding mental health, while also highlighting the resources available locally that can help. See below for more from this week’s guest lineup. Nikki Buckstead with the Child & Family Center, will address common challenges she sees affecting children, teens, and their families, plus the resources available to all of them. Sarah Gilberts and Beverly Torrance with their special friend, Rayne, join to demonstrate how therapy animals provide much-needed emotional support to students within the Hart District. Morgan Lazo from the Santa Clarita Public Library shows us the wide variety of mental health kits available to everyone in the community. Captain Justin Diez from the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Station shares how they respond to calls with people experiencing mental health crises. Etta Martin from the SCV Senior Center sheds some light on the concerns affecting our elderly community and their caregivers. Mental health issues can affect anyone at any age but it’s important to know that there’s a support system out there to help everyone live a happy and healthy life all year long. If you or if someone you know is in emotional distress, may be thinking about suicide, or is worried about a loved one or a friend, please reach out to the Suicide and Crisis Hotline by calling 9-8-8. Additionally, please visit for additional resources and support. You can also connect with this week’s guests at their websites, linked below. Child & Family Center: Pet Partners: William S. Hart Union High School District “Wellness”: SCV Sheriff Station: SCV Senior Center Support Services: Want to see more from SCVTV’s Community Corner? Visit You can also follow SCVTV’s Community Corner on Facebook, at
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