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Sierra Vista Junior High | Sierra Vista Life, 1-24-19
Intramural Activities: This month’s intramural activities are board games! Come to room 1002 during lunch any day of the week to play games such as Taboo, Scene It, Sorry, Uno, 5 Second Rule, Headbandz, Apples to Apples Jr., and more! If you would like to bring a game to play, that works too! We hope to see you there. January Birthdays: Come to the Quad on Monday, January 28th during lunch if your birthday is in January to get your birthday cookie! Happy birthday, from ASB !! AOC Info: For 8th graders interested in finding out more information on attending the Academy of the Canyons, there will be two mandatory information nights. Tuesday Jan 29th 6:30-8:30 PM at Canyon High School and Wednesday, Jan 30th 6:30-8:30 PM at West Ranch High School. Please see Mrs. Saunders in the counseling office for more detailed information. Fun Friday: Come out to the Quad for Fun Friday on 11/25 we will be playing Penny toss, all you have to do is toss a penny into a bucket with candy. If your penny lands in the bucket then you get a piece of candy! To participate you just have to show up. Fire Drill: The fire drill that was scheduled for last Thursday, was obviously canceled due to the rain. The fire drill will now be this Friday. Please make note of the special schedule and follow your teacher’s’ instructions so we’re prepared in the case of an actual fire. Soccer intramural event: February’s lunch time intramural event is soccer. We will have a round robin tournament. You can form a team or be a free agent and be placed on a team. Their is a link to sign up is on the SV homepage. You have till Sunday January 26th If you have any questions please talk to or email Mr. Drabinski. Penny Wars: Our first Penny Wars turn in is today at brunch in the quad. Remember that silver change, bills, and checks are positive, and should go in YOUR teams’ container, but pennies are negative, so they should go in OTHER teams’ containers. The winning team gets a pizza party and spirit points! We hope everyone steps up to help the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society find a cure for cancer! Club’s and Activities: Today in Club’s and Activities we have the trading cards club in room 101, the Pro Bey club in room 206, and fitness club in the fitness center after school. (c)2019 WSHUHSD | SCVTV
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