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SCV Arts & Entertainment | Santa Clarita Community Rallies with March for Our Lives Movement

Uploaded 03/26/2018

Santa Clarita Community Rallies with March for Our Lives Movement

Hundreds of students, teachers and families rallied at Marketplace Park in Valencia to stand in solidarity with the March for Our Lives movement on Saturday.

(c) 2018 SCV Arts & Entertainment | SCVTV
6 Comments for SCV Arts & Entertainment: Santa Clarita Community Rallies with March for Our Lives Movement
  1. Ray Murchison says:

    You don’t have the fact’s right, the FBI, ATF and his school did not act in over 34 times that he was reported about his mental illness! The gun is a tool, just like a car is a tool when a drunk driver kills someone. It is not the gun nor the car fault!

  2. Why don’t you march to have Santa Clarita become a NON Sanctuary City! Now that’s something to march for..

  3. Rudy Ten says:

    Hopefully this will help us Vote Steve Knights out, a NRA A+ stooge come November.
    Kids and Parents will VOTE. #neverAgain

  4. Is this a march against Planned Parenthood?

  5. William Reel says:

    Yawn. In the meantime, Illegal Alien criminals are getting dumped back onto the streets from County Jail of your “Sanctuary State”. How lovely that the morons who participate in this emotional grandstanding can’t figure out the basis of Law and Order. Libtards ; the enemy of Individual Rights and Reason.

  6. No thanks. If you find you need to protest the Bill of Rights, be it now, the 1940s, or any other time, you have found yourself to be completely on the wrong side of history.

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